Saturday, May 29, 2010

5 years already???

5 years ago today, I married my best friend. Where in the world does time go?? Sometimes it seems like a lifetime away, other days, it seems like yesterday... either way, I love you more and more each day. Happy anniversary, Chad Kyle.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Stud Muffin

What about this pose?!?!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

WONDERFUL friends!

I stole a picture off Lauren's blog.. I just had to give a "shout out" to these two girls on both sides of me.. I read my friend Whitney's blog..and got a wild hair..she runs and LOVES it.. I've been debating what to do as a work out everyday.. so.....after I read Whitney's blog, I decided that I was going to get up EARLY every morning and run... after telling Lauren and Erin about my plan, they decided to run with me! I have to say I'm very proud of us so far! We're just starting, but the fact that we are up and doing it- says ALOT! Our goal is a 5K run in October at MSU. Girls, I will see you bright and EARLY at 5 am!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fun at BB and T's

One of my Mother's Day presents!

For Mother's Day, one of my Mother's Day presents was drapes for the bay windows in the back of the house! I am soooo proud! They look so good! Thank you boys!

The Potty

Ok, so I know that Greyson is only 21 months, (...and a boy).. but I decided to buy him a potty. Since I am going to be home all summer, I thought that we would just work on the concept that tee tee and poo poo go in the potty. So, the night I took it out of the box he told me he needed to go.. so he sat on it and went! Greyson's been going on the potty for a week now! (He is still going in his diaper some, but if you ask him, and he needs to go... he will go! Both #1 and #2!!! WOW!! We're not pressuring him at all though.. we don't want him to get burnt out too quick... but we are both so proud of him! He's really training himself! What a big boy!!!!

His throne.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

According to Greyson

Tonight, as I was drying Greyson off after his bath, he was counting.. "One, Two, Pwee"..
I asked: Greyson, what comes after three?
Greyson: One, Two, Pwee....GO!

How absolutely precious! It was our first "kid's say the darndest things" moment!!!